make everyday better

A thoughtfully curated collection of stationery, home goods, and organizing tools. For people who like creativity and quality.

about us

bold underline with stars around it

We believe in goods that are made with a little bit of craft and with a lot of heart. Our carefully selected collection of products is chosen with a focus on functionality, craftsmanship, and adding a little something extra to the rituals and routines of everyday living.

our products

bold underline with stars around it
cute washi tape Classiky Washi Tapes
mustard yellow tumbler with a black cap Kinto Travel Tumbler
camel-color leather journal regular size set Traveler's Notebook Regular Size
petit-sized superior labor handbag, white canvas with beige leather bottom The Superior Labour Bag Petite
violet color uniball one f pen Uniball One P Gel Ink
dated rotating rubber stamp green Dated Rotating Stamp